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Resurrecting Minecraft's long-dead isometric level previewer
A long long time ago, Minecraft had an isometric level previewer. This feature was added in Infdev update 20100616-21, during the early phase in mid-2010 where infinite level support was developed. It lived at
, and according to the Wayback Machine, that page disappeared between the 14th and 26th of September 2010, the same time as Infdev itself. However, it remained hidden in the game’s code for a while after - and I got it running in the later versions it remained in.-
Although only the first update of that day has been found as of writing, it’s missing from that version and appears in [the first update of the following day][20100617-1], so this seems accurate. ↩
Catacombs Plus is released
Catacombs Plus, the game I’ve been slowly hacking away at for the past year or so, is finally released. You can grab it from for Windows, macOS, and Linux:
It's weird when someone else writes about the same problem you had
A year and a bit ago, I wrote about adding a test suite to Omniscient. In that post, I mentioned:
For ten years, Minecraft was third-person
There used to be an incredibly minor and hard-to-notice bug in Minecraft: its “first-person” view was a third-person perspective. Instead of rotating around in-place, the camera was actually orbiting the point it was supposed to be in, therefore making it third-person (although up really close on an invisible point – technically an arcball camera). It was eventually fixed, but it took ten years, and it annoys me every time I play an older version of the game – and with projects like my Thirty server for Minecraft Classic, that’s reasonably often.
Bethesda re-released Doom again
And they called it DOOM + DOOM II. Together at last.
Catacombs is getting there
It’s been slow-going, but Catacombs Plus development is approaching a state that might be releasable. My last proper progress update was in February (oh jesus), and since then I’ve made about 200 commits. A lot of that is internal changes, bug fixes, optimisations, etc – but there’s also a bunch of content. So, here’s some of the stuff I’ve done since then…
A couple months of Linux
This is a followup to my previous Linux post. It has been a little over two months since I last properly used Windows, and things are going reasonably well.
A couple weeks of full-time Linux
So, it’s been about two weeks ago since I switched to Linux full-time. What brought this on is that I finally got a different GPU - I swapped my RTX 3060 Ti for my friend’s RX 6700 XT. The NVIDIA card was basically unusable on Linux for me: I am required to use Wayland due to my display setup (mismatching refresh rates), but Wayland on NVIDIA is full of issues (namely broken graphics APIs under XWayland.) NVIDIA is slowly fixing their stuff, but now I have an AMD GPU where none of these issues exist, that means I can use Linux now instead of waiting for all that to drip down to me.
At some point, the “big three” C/C compilers (GCC, Clang, MSVC) gained a warning about implict fallthroughs in
statements: -
I managed a 2.5× performance increase in Catacombs Plus with a couple of simple optimisations.